Appointment System
All surgeries and clinics are by appointment only. A normal appointment length is 10 minutes, if you think you may need a longer appointment please tell the receptionist when booking your appointment. Telephone consultations are also available. If you think your problem could be dealt with by speaking on the telephone to the doctor or nurse please tell the receptionist who can arrange it for you.
We try to make sure you see the doctor of your choice but if they are not available we may offer you another doctor.
If you have booked a face to face appointment you should arrive at the time of your appointment.
Telephone appointments – the clinician will call you at some point during the day, not necessarily at the booked time of the appointment.
Due to the recent changes in doctors at the practice we are now unable to advise which doctor will be consulting in the Tuesday evening extended hours clinic.
Please make the receptionist aware when booking your appointment if you would like the services of an interpreter.
You can book your appointment by one of the methods below:
- Online – Book a GP Appointment even when we are closed – you will need to register for online services to book via this method
- Telephone – Ring 01773 546900 during normal opening hours.
- Reception – Call in at Reception during normal opening hours.
Missed Appointments
We are seeing an increase in the number of patients that are not attending their face to face appointment or are not available to answer an arranged telephone call with the practice. Please let us know at your earliest opportunity if you are no longer able to attend your appointment as we can then offer this to another patient. Click here to use the online cancellation form to let us know you can't attend for your appointment.
Amber Valley Health - Extended Access Appointments
Parkside Surgery is part of Amber Valley Health Limited (AVH) along with the following practices: Crich Medical Practice, Ivy Grove Surgery, Jessop Medical Practice, Kelvingrove Medical Centre, Somercotes Medical Centre, The Park Surgery, and in collaboration with Ripley Medical Centre and Royal Primary Care Brooklyn.
These are at the new Amber Valley Health GP Hub at Church Farm Primary Care Centre in Ripley DE5 3TH.
The opening times of the hub are Monday to Friday 18:00 – 20:00 Saturdays 09:00 – 17:00.
Please note, the vast majority of AVH GPs and staff members are from one of the local practices named above.
The Amber Valley Health GP Hub is only open for pre-booked appointments.
To book an appointment, or for any further information please contact our reception staff as usual.
Home Visits
Whilst we are happy to make a home visit to those patients who are too ill to attend surgery or are housebound we would ask patients to use this service considerately.
We find it is much more effective to see our patients at the surgery where there are the facilities for examination and investigation (e.g. blood tests or heart tracings etc.) when needed. If you do need a home visit please request it before 10.00am if possible.
Our GP’s may ring you before visiting and our receptionists may ask for brief details of the nature of the problem to help the GP’s to prioritise visits.
If you need help when we are closed
Click here for information about out of hours services and other local facilities.
If you need help with your appointment
Please tell us:
- If there’s a specific doctor, nurse or other health professional you would prefer to respond
- If you would prefer to consult with the doctor or nurse by phone, face-to-face, by video call or by text or email
- If you need an interpreter
- If you have any other access or communication needs
Text Reminder Service
We have a texting service which allows you to receive reminders about your face to face appointment. Please note we do not send reminders about telephone appointments.
To have this service you will need to register by completing a consent form.
Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.
Travel vaccinations
If you're planning to travel outside the UK you may need to be vaccinated against some of the serious diseases found in other parts of the world.
Medical Education
We are a training practice and you may be offered an appointment with a GP registrar. These doctors are fully qualified and will have had experience in several hospital specialties. They are completing their specialist training as a GP.
We also teach medical students and sometimes you may be asked to see the doctor or nurse with a student present. You will always be asked beforehand if this is acceptable and you may ask for the student to withdraw if you prefer to have your consultation in private.
All students work to the same levels of confidentiality.